Saturday, August 4, 2007

A.A. Gone Wrong

Randomly flipping through blogs, I stumbled across a picture of the singer Mya. (I think I found it on Black Style Central!) I'm not too sure when the picture was taken but she looked nothing like how she appeared in the now defunct Vibe Vixen (you sisters should have supported that magazine).

NOW, this a prime example of what not to wear. I LOVE American Apparel just as much as the next girl. Well, maybe more. But this is plain wrong. Not to mention she's wearing a pair of Reebox 54.11s that the rest of the world can't seem to leave alone. I won't deny it, I'll only wear the yellow pair. But can we please find a new stylist for her? Hell, maybe even Rihanna's stylist since she did such a great job with her "bad girl" transformation. Anywho, if you want to look like Mya, here's what to buy:

1. A wavy weave\wig (If you need it)

Pink 25th Anniversary Reebok Freestyles

3. A pair of light washed denim jeans cut into shorts (DON'T front like you never did it as a teen)

4. A white tube top

5. A long black sleeve shirt cut to make fingerless gloves

6. A.A Lame Leggings in Silver

A. A. Nylon Tricot
Suspender Swimsuit in Purple

I just hope my readers can pull it off better without looking like a hot mess!

AND for the record, Me In Lame Leggings > Her.


We still love you Mya.

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